
Cedar Woods have been consistently relying upon Wormall Civil to deliver projects for the last 30 years, developing a particularly close working relationship with the company when Shane Wormall became the Managing Director of Wormall Group in 2017. Since this time Wormall Civil have elevated themselves from being a reliable Perth based contractor with the capacity to manage medium scale civil projects, to a premium service highly reliable contractor which can be relied upon to deliver projects of any scale regardless of complexity.

Wormall are currently delivering multiple projects for Cedar Woods in the South West, and Perth metro area. We highly value the close and collegiate working relationship which we have with Shane, David and Ben, and their ever helpful and professional approach. Congratulations to the whole Wormall team and family on 40 years of operations, this is a significant achievement which all those at Wormall Civil should be proud of.

Justin Crooks
Development Director, Cedar Woods

“Clients tell us we’re easy
to do business with.”

Shane Wormall

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