Kudardup Heights, Kudardup
Kudardup Heights, Kudardup
Kudardup Village Pty Ltd
Consulting Engineer
Wormall Civil Project Management
Warwick Kindt
Wormall Civil Site Supervision
Fred Bonjolo
Project Duration
October 2020 - December 2020
Kudardup Heights is situated approximately 6 kilometres north of Augusta.
The development is constructed on an elevated ridge surrounded by open paddocks, vineyards and bushland with several Stage 1A blocks having glimpses to the southern ocean beyond Augusta. Across the site there are clumps of native vegetation with habitat trees which had to be protected and preserved during construction.
The developer chose to bore large section of the electrical and communication link along Kudardup Rd in order to preserve old growth trees.
The site consists of varying ground conditions with areas of silty wet clay that required subgrade remediation of the road pavement, to massive granite out crops that had to be blasted for service trenches and laterite rock shelves and gravel areas which have been used to construct fire access tracks on the site.
The second stage of this development is now under way.